Forum Replies Created
Hi David,
I sent you an email reply (to the CSDispatcherLog.txt file) on Jan 15. I’ve included the email contents below.
Hi David,The CSDispatcherLog.txt file that you sent looks fine. The multiple Register calls are fine. I was really interested in seeing if there were any errors being recorded in the CSDispatcherLog.txt file.
What is also strange is that your most recent forum post on this topic mentions that the log file is now 28 GB in size. Are there other log file “parts” on the computer? Is it the last part that is growing?
What version of CodeSite do you have installed on this computer?
Hi David,
I just created a quick test project in Delphi 11 and created the following event handler:
procedure TForm13.RzButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin CodeSite.TraceMethod( 'RzButton1Click' ); CodeSite.Send( 'Test Message' ); CodeSite.Send( 'Test Message #2' ); end;
I ran the program and the output showed the two test messages within an EnterMethod message and an ExitMethod message.
Are you able to duplicate the problem in a test project? If so, please send the source (no executables) to and I’ll take a look.
Hi David,
Unfortunately, there is no built in way to search or filter on exit methods that exceed some time threshold, but it would be nice feature. I’m logging it as an enhancement request.
January 18, 2025 at 1:08 am in reply to: Migration KSVC 6.5 –> 7.0 inserts Color = 15987699 property #4060Hi,
I’ve not seen any other reports like this. The Color property has been a property of TRzPanel and descendants from the beginning. I’m assuming that you mean that the Color property is showing up in the DFM files for your forms. Although, I’m not entirely sure about that because I don’t really understand your second scenario.
Is there any way for your to recreate the issue in a smaller project that you could send to I would like to take a look. I’ve been working on a lot of changes to the component set, including the TRzPanel and descendants.
Hi David,
CodeSite 5 (and earlier) uses the QueryPerformanceCounter to generate a timestamp for each message. The count is compared to a base count value at app start up to generate a time stamp. From what you describe, it sounds like QueryPerformanceCounter is not returning an accurate count after the host machine is returned from hibernating. Just to be clear, you mention that you hibernate the host machine and not the VM itself. I’m curious if other time values are affected when you resume from hibernation. For example, what does the clock in the system tray show immediately after resuming?BTW, the QueryPerformanceCounter was necessary in order to get a more precise timestamp value (ms resolution). However, this is no longer necessary with modern versions of Windows. As a result, CodeSite 6 no longer uses the QueryPerformanceCount and instead utilizes the TStopWatch class.
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for sharing your findings. The solution that I came up with essentially does the same thing but instead of calling ResetHeaderHandle in the WMNCPaint method, I call it in the SetViewStyle method:procedure TRzCustomListView.SetViewStyle( AValue: TViewStyle ); begin if ( AValue <> ViewStyle ) then begin inherited; if AValue = vsReport then begin SetHeaderODStyle; {$IFDEF RX12_OR_HIGHER} ResetHeaderHandle; {$ENDIF} end; end; end;
This way the header handle is reset only when the view style is changed as opposed to each time WMNCPaint is called.
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for sharing your findings. The solution that I came up with essentially does the same thing but instead of calling ResetHeaderHandle in the WMNCPaint method, I call it in the SetViewStyle method:procedure TRzCustomListView.SetViewStyle( AValue: TViewStyle ); begin if ( AValue <> ViewStyle ) then begin inherited; if AValue = vsReport then begin SetHeaderODStyle; {$IFDEF RX12_OR_HIGHER} ResetHeaderHandle; {$ENDIF} end; end; end;
This way the header handle is reset only when the view style is changed as opposed to each time WMNCPaint is called.
Hi Roberto,
I apologize for the delay in responding because of the Christmas holiday. Working backwards from your posts, you are correct in that all you are losing with the design packages not loading is the design-time components, which we only provided for backward compatibility and have not recommended using them for a very long time. In fact, for CodeSite 6, there will be no design packages.
As for why you are having an issue with one of the versions, this is most likely the result of a package change that was introduced with RAD Studio 12.2. Typically, when Embarcadero releases a point update (e.g. *.1 or *.2), the package formats do not change. Of course, none of this applied during the strange times of the 10.x releases where 10.1, 10.2, etc were all major releases. However, when they switched back to regular versioning (e.g. 11, 12), point releases are designed not to have package interface changes. However, they broke that rule with 12.2 with respect to the Modern C++ 64-bit compiler changes.
Bottom line is that you are fine without the design packages. I will also be releasing a new build of CodeSite 5 that will be built with 12.2 in order to support the new Modern C++ 64-bit compiler, so then you should be able to reload the design packages should you wish.
Again I apologize for the delay and the inconvenience all this has caused.
December 10, 2024 at 10:37 pm in reply to: Should CodeSite work using Windows 64-bit (Modern)? #4033Hi Hans,
I apologize for the inconvenience. A new build of CodeSite 5 needs to be released to include support for the 64-bit Modern C++ compiler. I’m trying to fit that into the schedule.
RayHi David,
Interesting that it logs to the file for a day or two and then stops. Typically, if there is an issue with file logging, it’s immediately apparent, such as file permissions, wrong path, etc. Is it possible that the CodeSite logger is getting disabled at some point in your application? That would cause messages to stop getting logged.If you have access to the computer, or can get someone to grab a file from the computer, I would like to see the CSDispatcherLog.txt file. It is located in the following path:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Raize\CodeSite\5.0\CSDispatcherLog.txt If you are able to get this file, please send it to and I’ll take a look.
The app is called the CodeSite Message Generator. You can download it from the following link:
Hi Paola,
The 2.6.0 release specifically adds support for the Modern C++ 64-bit compiler added to RAD Studio 12.2. No other changes were made to the components, so the 2.5.3 version is current. When dragging does not work correctly, that usually means that the format of the drag object has been changed by the vendor. DropMaster includes many demos to provide guidance on how to handle various drag formats from a variety of sources, but the core functionality of the DropMaster components is to provide the framework in which to conduct inter-application drag and drop. I would suggest running the FormatViewer demo program and then drag the information/object that you are interested in onto the FormatViewer window. The demo will then show the various formats that are served but by the other application in the drag operation.
October 24, 2024 at 12:24 am in reply to: Support for C++Builder 12.2 Athens Windows 64-bit Modern platform #4005Hi Andrew,
I apologize for the delay in releasing DropMaster 2.6.0, but it is now available. Please note that you should also update to RAD Studio 12.2.1 (the newly released inline patch) for proper package compatibility.If you need the download link for the DropMaster installer, please send an email to
Hi Maarten,
It sounds like you are building a Windows Forms App as opposed to a Windows Forms App (.NET Framework). The former uses .NET (formerly .NET Core), while the later uses the .NET Framework. Unfortunately, at this time, the Raize.CodeSiteLogging assembly is built on the .NET Framework.
October 9, 2024 at 10:07 pm in reply to: Support for C++Builder 12.2 Athens Windows 64-bit Modern platform #3993Hi Andrew,
I apologize for the delay in responding. I’ve been waiting for from concrete information from Embarcadero before responding. We have the support for the Modern C++ compiler in 12.2. However, we were informed by Embarcadero that any packages that are created with 12.2 cannot be used with 12.0 or 12.1. We have been told that a hotfix is in the works, and we have been waiting for that hotfix to be released. Once it is, we will be releasing a new DropMaster version.
Again, I apologize for the lack of response.
Ray -