Transporter for …. warning

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    • #3789
      David Rose

        I’m seeing the warning
        Transporter for [GUID] Not found

        in the Dispatcher Log 3 times every 10 mS.

        My guess for the reason was that I forgot to set the path variable name in the Dispatcher settings, but should it be creating so many log entries and will something eventually fall over ?

        If this is the cause, Is there anyway in my app I can validate if the path Variable_name actualy has been set or use a property that tells codesite to use some default location in the event that it’s not set ?



      • #3793
        Ray Konopka

          Hi David,

          The GUID that is displayed in the message represents a DispatchID. In CodeSite 5 (and earlier) when you first send a message to the Dispatcher, a Register Dispatch ID message is sent first and the Dispatcher registers the Dispatch ID with the destination details currently defined and this in turn specifies which Transporter should be used. Therefore, for future messages that include the Dispatch ID, the Dispatcher knows where to route the messages to.

          The error messages are showing up in the Dispatcher Log every time the Dispatcher receives a CodeSite message referencing a Dispatch ID that the Dispatcher does not know about. Restarting the application that is generating the CodeSite log messages should stop the error message because a new Dispatch ID will get generated.

          The Dispatcher not being able to find a Transporter for a Dispatch ID should rarely happen. Even if the Dispatcher is closed, the current set of Dispatch IDs and Transporters are persisted to disk in the CSDispatchIDs.ini file. The situation can happen if the Dispatcher is forcibly terminated and the Dispatcher does not have a chance to save the Dispatch IDs.


        • #3794
          David Rose

            Hi Ray

            Thanks. That makes sense as I was terminating CS from the Task Manager to test some specific code.


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