We take great pride in our commitment to producing high-quality products — Attention to Detail is our Passion.
Latest News
CodeSite, DropMaster, and Inspex Now Support RAD Studio 11
Raize Software is pleased to announce the immediate availability of: CodeSite 5.4 DropMaster 2.5.2 Inspex 2.6.11 All products have been updated to include support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria. The new builds are free to all registered users of the CodeSite...
CodeSite, DropMaster, and Inspex Now Support RAD Studio 10.4
Raize Software is pleased to announce the immediate availability of: CodeSite 5.3.4 DropMaster 2.5.1 Inspex 2.6.10 All products have been updated to include support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4 Rio. The new builds are free to all registered users of the CodeSite 5,...
CSSearchFiles Tool for CodeSite
Raize Software is pleased to announce the availability of the CSSearchFiles command line tool for CodeSite. CSSearchFiles can be used to quickly search through multiple CodeSite Log Files to locate Notes, Warnings, Errors, and Exceptions. The tool can also be used to...