Current Release
RAD Studio
10 Seattle – 12 Athens
Visual Studio
2015 – 2022
Price $399
Information Capture
CodeSite Loggers
CodeSite also provides more control over what gets logged. Instead of relying on traditional logging levels, separate loggers are used to categorize CodeSite messages. Each logger, and thus category, can be independently enabled or disabled to control what information is captured.
Message Analysis
CodeSite Viewers
Both viewers utilize the same user interface which is broken up into several panes. The primary pane is the message list, which displays the message’s primary text and optionally the message details. Messages are color coded based on the logger’s Category, and message groups are indented to display structure. The payload of the selected message is displayed in the inspector pane.
The CodeSite Viewers provide many tools to help developers locate messages of interest including navigating by message type, searching for specific content, and isolating messages that match defined criteria into their own views.
Message Distribution
CodeSite Dispatcher
The CodeSite Dispatcher minimizes the performance impact the logging process has on an application. It also enables the creation of multi-application log files and ensures that log file management criteria are applied. Plus, the Dispatcher simplifies the transporting of CodeSite messages to remote computers.
Dispatcher Configuration
CodeSite Controller

CodeSite Express vs CodeSite Studio
CodeSite Studio includes these additional features and capabilities:
- More information types supports
- Color, Point, Size, Rectangle structures
- Bitmaps, Icons, Images, Screen Shots
- Collections and Variants
- Files, Streams, and File Version Info
- System Info, Memory Status, and Stack Trace
- Xml Data and Xml Files
- Dataset Records and Dataset Tables
- Send Custom Data & Define Custom Formatters
- Microsoft .NET Support
- Remote Destinations
- File Logging by Date
- High Precision Timer
- Compressed Messages and Log Files
- OnSendMsg event
- SendIf methods
- Record information in Windows Event Log
- ScratchPad Write methods
- Method Tracer for Delphi