TRzOpenDialog in Delphi 11.2 crash on execute?

Home Forums Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) TRzOpenDialog in Delphi 11.2 crash on execute?

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    • #3229

      I’ve been using these signature controls since they were first released to Delphi owners as a bonus, generally speaking I’ve never had a serious issue with them but now in the latest Delphi 11.2 when I go to call a TRzOpenDialog were the code that calls it has worked in every version since I started using it, now when I execute “If odOpenFiles.Execute Then” (odOpenFile being of type TrzOpenDialog) I get an access violation “Access violation at address 0000000000D6B74F in module <my program name>. Write of address 000000000055AC70.”.

      Now I renamed the TRzOpenDialog and added a TOpenDialog ran my program and everything worked, so I’m not sure what’s up but TRzOpenDialog seems to have an issue. Anyone else seen this? Have any idea’s what’s wrong?

    • #3230
      Ray Konopka

        Hi Chris,

        I have been unable to duplicate the error condition you are experiencing. Are you able to reproduce the issue in a test project? If so, please send the source (no executables) to support at and I’ll take a look. I’m curious if there are property settings that are resulting in the error.

        I would also encourage you to file a report about this issue on Embarcadero’s Quality Portal so they are aware of the issue. Any fix will need to come from Embarcadero as they own the components now.


      • #3234

        I was able to reproduce, I added a TrzButton and TrzOpenDialog on a form and used these three lines of code in the TrzButton onclick event and I got the error, fyi this is set as a 64bit program:

        odOpenFiles.InitialDir := ‘C:\Users\Chris\Pictures’;
        odOpenFiles.Options := [ osoAllowMultiSelect, osoHideReadOnly, osoAllowTree, osoShowHints, osoOleDrag, osoOleDrop ];

      • #3235

        I’d be happy to file a report but as usual with the Quality portal I just can’t get the options right and it won’t accept my report. First under Project there’s no option for KSVC so I have to put RAD Studio. Second problem, under component(s) I try and put TRzOpenDialog and I get the error “Component with id ‘TRzOpenDialog’ does not exist.” so I tried KSVC 7.0 and I get the same error. There’s just no way to submit this because the options for KSVC don’t exist.

      • #3236
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Chris,

          Thanks for sending the test project. I was able to reproduce the issue you are running into. The fact that you are building a 64-bit application is key to the issue. More specifically, the “Support address space layout randomization” setting, which in 11.2 is set to True by default for 64-bit applications. You can work around the issue by turning this setting to False. The setting is located in:
          Project Options
          Delphi Compiler
          Support address space layout randomization

          As for reporting issues with KSVC, Embarcadero still hasn’t added specific entries for the components. However, Marco Cantu has suggested that issues can be reported under the general VCL category. Furthermore, the subject of the issue should start with KSVC so that the issue is marked as a KSVC-related issue. For example, if you go to Quality Portal and conduct an issue search for “KSVC” you will see many other examples.


        • #3237

          Thanks Ray, I got the bug report filed and while I was there I did take a look at some of the other KSVC bug reports and the comments that people were leaving. I have to say it was somewhat disconcerting to see that none of the bugs being reported are being addressed, some people went so far as to say that Embarcadero is looking to sell the suite and has no intention of ever fixing the bugs that have been reported. Is there anything official from Embarcadero about what they are going to be doing?

        • #3246
          Ray Konopka

            Hi Chris,

            Thank you for submitting the report. I have also been very frustrated with the situation. This is one of the reasons why I have been encouraging people to submit reports so that Embarcadero can see that many, many developers are dependent on these components. I will be presenting at EKON in a couple weeks and will try to connect with Embarcadero team members in attendance.


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