Inspecting logger message queue

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    • #2393

        Hi Ray!

        Some process-task produce protocol of actions using a code site.
        After completing its work, this process-task launches a separate process-archiver, which must archive all the results of its work, including the logs of the code site.
        The problem is that the TCodeSiteLogger does not provide methods for an inspection of how many sended messages have not yet been full-processed by the code site dispatcher process. The  process-task does not have the ability to understand that everything transferred to the code site has been successfully stored to the cls-file and that the process-archiver can be launched.

      • #2397
        Ray Konopka

          Interesting request. I understand what you are requesting, but I’ll need to think about this a bit more. It really only makes sense for a single application. Gets much more complicated when multiple applications are logging to the Dispatcher. There are significant changes coming in CodeSite 6, and it may be possible to provide some information in certain configurations.


        • #2413
          Hans Brand


            Just an idea for a (temporary) work-around until a proper solution is created.

            What I do is, when starting and stopping an application (logging), is insert recognizable entries in the logging.

            In my case it is “CodeSite->AddSeparator();” but anything recognizable should work.

            You could then try to detect if this “end” entry is in the cls-file.

            Then the archiver can be started.

            Kind regards,
            Hans Brand


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