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Thanks Ray. You have been a great help.
Since my last reply, I have learned that I can use
to determine the appropriate values of other fields.
The following code is what I use for <u>OnDrawColumnCell</u>. Perhaps it will be off assistance to others who have a similar:
procedure TFormMain.DBGridDataDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); procedure DrawBooleanValue(AValue:Boolean; AImageIndex:Integer; AFieldName:string); begin if (CompareText(Column.Field.FieldName, AFieldName)=0) then if AValue then ImageListGrid.Draw(DBGridData.Canvas, Rect.Left+((Rect.Width - ImageListGrid.Width) div 2), Rect.Top+((Rect.Height - ImageListGrid.Height) div 2), AImageIndex); end; begin with Sender as TDBGrid do if DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount > 0 then begin {Row Background} if (gdSelected in State) or (gdRowSelected in State) then Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight else if Odd(DataSource.DataSet.RecNo) then Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow else Canvas.Brush.Color := $00FAFAFA; Canvas.FillRect(Rect); {Cell Values} if not Assigned(Column.Field) then DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State) else {Boolean Fields must be drawn using a TImagelist glyph} if Column.Field.InheritsFrom(TBooleanField) then with TBooleanField(Column.Field) do begin DrawBooleanValue(not Value, 1, DataModule1._FXIsValid.FieldName); DrawBooleanValue(Value, 0, DataModule1._FXBusy.FieldName); end else {Change the font style/color} with DataModule1, Column.Field do begin if not DataSource.DataSet.FieldValues[DataModule1._FXIsValid.FieldName] then begin Canvas.Font.Style := [fsStrikeOut]; Canvas.Font.Color := IfThen(gdSelected in State, clHighLightText, clRed); end else if DataSource.DataSet.FieldValues[DataModule1._FXBusy.FieldName] then begin Canvas.Font.Style := [fsItalic]; Canvas.Font.Color := IfThen(gdSelected in State, clHighLightText, clGreen); end else begin Canvas.Font.Style := []; Canvas.Font.Color := IfThen(gdSelected in State, clHighLightText, clWindowText); end; {Continue Drawing} DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); end; end else DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); end;
Off-Topic P.S:<i>Is there any way to get the Raize/Konopka controls installed into Delphi Community Edition 10.4?</i> 🤔 I can’t use 10.4 CE for my primary project, because it makes extensive use of Raize. So I have to continue using 10.1 Berlin….
For for your response, Ray.
This is a sample use of “OnDrawColumnCell”:
It works well enough to replace the “TRUE / FALSE” displayed by Boolean fields with a checkmark glyph.
But as far as I can tell, “OnDrawColumnCell” only gives me access to the value of the field that is being drawn, and not the entire record represented by the row. So if I’m drawing a string field, I cannot check the value of a boolean field in the same record, which means I can’t change the font style to (for example) “Red, StrikeOut” or “Green, Italic” based upon the values of other fields in the same record…
Or have I missed something? 🤔