TRzTrayIcon: is own datastructure for TNotifyIconData still necessary

Home Forums Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) TRzTrayIcon: is own datastructure for TNotifyIconData still necessary

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    • #3687
      Ulrich Kobsa

        Hi Ray,

        TRzTrayIcon uses TRzNotifyIconData for FIconData. Is this really still necessary? Especially as it is missing two fields compared to TNotifyIconData of Winapi.ShellAPI.


        kind regards,



      • #3688
        Ulrich Kobsa

          Why I’m asking: we have a bunch of error reports from our application that shows problems when we try to send the application to tray: every time on that machines it fails with Windows error code $80004005

          Unfortunately none of our machines shows this behavior.

          From logs we found it happens when we try to enable the tray icon ( AppTrayIcon.Enabled := true; which is still false after the call). Deleting Windows error code before that call and checking it afterwards gives error code $80004005

          So I checked RzTray.pas and found that difference in declaration of _RZNOTIFYICONDATAW. As I’m not sure, if this is custom declaration is still necessary, maybe you remember why it was introduced.


          kind regards, Ulrich

        • #3689
          Ray Konopka

            Hi Ulrich,
            In short, the custom TRzNotifyIconData structure is probably not necessary. It was originally added because Delphi did not include any support for that data structure at the time. Now that Delphi includes the definition for TNotifyIconData, the Raize version should probably be deleted. It should be possible to do that in the RzTray.pas file and then run the !Build_RC7.cmd (or !Build_RC6.cmd) file in the Source directory to rebuild the DCUs and Packages.

            I would also suggest that you create a report in Quality Portal so that Embarcadero can make this a permanent fix.


          • #3690
            Ulrich Kobsa

              Thanks Ray,

              report has been created:


              kind regards,


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