RzMRUComboBox update MRU list

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    • #3418
      Peter Gustafsson


        I’m trying to update a TRzMRUComboBox with latest MRU list from persistent storage.
        According to help file I can use LoadMRUData for that. But that does not work, MRU list is not updated.
        I have tested both LoadMRUData(true) and LoadMRUData(false).


      • #3419
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Peter,

          Did you fill out the other MRU related properties (i.e. MruID, MruSection, and MruRegIniFile) as described in the help? MruPath is the old way to specifying the Registry path, it is recommended to use the mruRegIniFile property.

          The LoadMRUData method is used to force a reload of the combo box with the list of most-recently-used items from its persistent storage defined by the MruRegIniFile, MruSection, and MruID properties, but in practice should rarely need to be used. The list will get saved and loaded automatically.


        • #3422
          Peter Gustafsson

            Hi Ray

            I am using registry, did not want to use an INI file. In normal use it works fine.

            MruPath = ‘Software\PG software\Share Manager’
            MruSection = ‘MRU’
            MruID = ‘SearchList’

            I planning using WM_COPYDATA to trigger an update of MRU list if I have multiple instance started.
            Just to make sure the MRU list is up to date on all started instance.


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