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  • Author
    • #2212
      Barry Wood


        Can you provide an example of how you use this component, please? I’m trying the Cells element to load data but keep getting Row parameter out of range, no matter what the value I’m putting in the cell:

        tlComps.Cells[ 1, i ]:= FieldByName(‘Competition’).AsString;

        I find the Help & Demo very useful, but could always do with short examples of how to use the ‘extra’ facilities provided by your components.


      • #2213
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Barry,

          The Cells property is a convenience property for accessing portions (i.e. cells) of an item already in the list. The property makes it easier to extract a specific piece of information as well as updating a specific piece instead of having to work with the entire item.

          For example, in the following example, a new item is added to the list and then the Cells property is used to change the ‘b’ to ‘Hello’.

          RzTabbedListBox1.Add( ‘a’#9’b’ );
          RzTabbedListBox1.Cells[ 1, 0 ] := ‘Hello’;


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