TRZComboBox csSimple Style.


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  • Author
    • #2539
      Steve Gill

        Hi Ray,

        I was just wondering what the csSimple style does.  The help file doesn’t show anything.



      • #2552
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Steve,

          The csSimple style is a very old style of Windows COMBOBOX. It is essentially a and edit box and a list (just like what we typically think of as a combo box), but the edit box and list box are always visible.

          If you drop a TComboBox or TRzComboBox onto a form and then change the Style to csSimple you will notice that the drop arrow goes away. What is not so obvious is that you can then use the drag handles to make the control taller. When you do this, you will see the list portion of the control become visible.

          BTW, the controls used in the standard Font dialog box (for font name, style, and size) are “simple” combo boxes.

          Hope this helps,

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