Home › Forums › Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) › TrzButton is vertical text possible?
- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2020-03-30 at 7:30 pm by
Chris LeFebvre LeFebvre.
March 30, 2020 at 3:05 pm #1732
I’m looking to use a TrzButton and it would be a big help if I could get the text to be vertical; I see that a TrzLabel component has an “Angle” property that allows you to make a label with vertical text but the button component does not have a similar property. Am I overlooking something? Is there a way to accomplish this?
March 30, 2020 at 5:36 pm #1733
Unfortunately, the TRzButton does not support the same display capabilities as the TRzLabel. The TRzButton class does have a Draw3DText method that is virtual that does all the drawing of the text of the button. And the TRzLabel also has a Draw3DText method. So, in theory you should be able to override the Draw3DText method of TRzButton with the one from TRzLabel. Well, I decided to try that for fun. Turns out you can indeed do that, but there are several properties that are in TRzLabel that do not exist in TRzButton. So, I ended up making several assumptions to eliminate a lot of code. For example, I eliminated the 3D text features. I also removed the CenterPoint property from TRzLabel as well as the Rotation property, which controls whether the text is rotated flat or on a curve. The TRzLabelButton below just supports the flat rotation.
The code below is for a form unit. Just create a new empty VCL project and then create a FormCreate event handler. Then simply copy the code from below into your form unit. You should then be able to run the program and see a button with rotated text.
Rayunit Unit5; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, RzButton, RzLabel; type TRzLabelButton = class( TRzButton ) private FAngle: Integer; procedure SetAngle( Value: Integer ); protected procedure Draw3DText( Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Flags: DWord ); override; published property Angle: Integer read FAngle write SetAngle; end; TForm5 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private B: TRzLabelButton; public end; var Form5: TForm5; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses Vcl.Themes, RzCommon; procedure TRzLabelButton.SetAngle( Value: Integer ); begin if FAngle <> Value then begin if Value < 0 then FAngle := 360 - Abs( Value ) else FAngle := Value mod 360; if not ( csLoading in ComponentState ) and ( Value <> 0 ) and not IsTrueTypeFont( Font ) then begin Font.Name := 'Verdana'; { Switch to Verdana if current font is not TrueType } end; // if ( Angle <> 0 ) and ( FRotation = roNone ) then // FRotation := roFlat; // AdjustBounds; Repaint; end; end; procedure TRzLabelButton.Draw3DText( Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Flags: DWord ); const FShadowDepth = 2; WordWrap = False; ShowAccelChar = False; var TempRct: TRect; ULColor, LRColor: TColor; Center: TPoint; Radius, Rad: Extended; H, W: Integer; HalfShadow, ShadowOffset: Integer; TempAlignment: TAlignment; function TextAligned( A: DWord ): Boolean; begin Result := ( Flags and A ) = A; end; begin Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; HalfShadow := FShadowDepth div 2; // FixClientRect( R, True ); // InflateRect( R, -FTextMargin, -FTextMargin ); TempAlignment := Alignment; if UseRightToLeftAlignment then ChangeBiDiModeAlignment( TempAlignment ); Flags := dt_ExpandTabs or DrawTextAlignments[ TempAlignment ]; if TempAlignment = taRightJustify then Flags := Flags or dt_Right; if UseRightToLeftAlignment then Flags := Flags or dt_RtlReading; if WordWrap then Flags := Flags or dt_WordBreak; if not ShowAccelChar then Flags := Flags or dt_NoPrefix; Canvas.Font := Self.Font; Center := Point( Width div 2, Height div 2 ); Rad := ( FAngle * Pi / 180 ) + ( Pi / 2 ); Radius := Canvas.TextHeight( 'Pp' ) / 4; W := Canvas.TextWidth( Caption ); H := Canvas.TextHeight( 'Pp' ); ShadowOffset := 0; W := W + ShadowOffset; H := H + ShadowOffset; case FAngle of 0, 360: begin if TextAligned( dt_Center ) then SetTextAlign( Canvas.Handle, ta_Center ) else if TextAligned( dt_Right ) then Center.X := R.Right - W - ShadowOffset else Center.X := R.Left + ShadowOffset; Center.Y := Center.Y - H div 2; end; 90: begin Center.X := Center.X - Round( Radius * Cos( Rad ) ); if TextAligned( dt_Center ) then Center.Y := R.Bottom - ( R.Bottom - W ) div 2 else if TextAligned( dt_Right ) then Center.Y := R.Top + W + ShadowOffset else Center.Y := R.Bottom - ShadowOffset; SetTextAlign( Canvas.Handle, ta_Left or ta_Baseline ); end; 180: begin if TextAligned( dt_Center ) then Center.X := R.Right - ( R.Right - W ) div 2 else if TextAligned( dt_Right ) then Center.X := R.Left + W else Center.X := R.Right - ShadowOffset; Center.Y := Center.Y - ( H div 4 ); SetTextAlign( Canvas.Handle, ta_Left or ta_Baseline ); end; 270: begin Center.X := Center.X - Round( Radius * Cos( Rad ) ); if TextAligned( dt_Center ) then Center.Y := ( R.Bottom - W ) div 2 else if TextAligned( dt_Right ) then Center.Y := R.Bottom - W - ShadowOffset else Center.Y := R.Left + ShadowOffset; SetTextAlign( Canvas.Handle, ta_Left or ta_Baseline ); end; else begin Center.X := Center.X - Round( Radius * Cos( Rad ) ); Center.Y := Center.Y + Round( Radius * Sin( Rad ) ); SetTextAlign( Canvas.Handle, ta_Center or ta_Baseline ); end; end; { case } Canvas.Font.Handle := RotateFont( Self.Font, FAngle ); TempRct := R; if Enabled then begin if ActiveStyleServicesEnabled and not UsingSystemStyle then Canvas.Font.Color := ActiveStyleFontColor( sfTextLabelNormal ) else Canvas.Font.Color := Font.Color; Canvas.TextRect( TempRct, Center.X, Center.Y, Caption ) end else { if not Enabled } begin if UsingSystemStyle then Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText else Canvas.Font.Color := ActiveStyleFontColor( sfWindowTextDisabled ); Canvas.TextRect( TempRct, Center.X, Center.Y, Caption ); end; end; procedure TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin B := TRzLabelButton.Create( Self ); B.Parent := Self; B.SetBounds( 50, 50, 50, 200 ); B.Angle := 90; B.Caption := 'Rotated Text'; end; end.
March 30, 2020 at 5:39 pm #1734
Here is a screen shot of the button.
March 30, 2020 at 7:30 pm #1736
Looks great, thanks so much!
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