RzSpinEdit drawing bug: Selected value is offset to the left when selected

Home Forums Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) RzSpinEdit drawing bug: Selected value is offset to the left when selected

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    • #3953
      Chris Mark

        When selecting an RzSpinedit value (by tabbing into it, or double clicking, so it is all blue), the entire value is displayed offset by a number of pixels to the left which can result in the value not being entirely visible anymore (unless the component width is much wider than the value). Once this happens, if you select another component or tab away the value remains offset (and possibly partially hidden). It does not redraw itself properly until one of the arrow buttons in clicked.

      • #3955
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Chris,
          Thanks for the report. Unfortunately, I am unable to duplicate the issue, but that could be because I’ve made other changes to the TRzSpinEdit and those affected this particular behavior. However, I would like to confirm that. Are you able to duplicate the issue in a test project? If so, please the source to the test project (no exe) to our support email and I’ll take a look. Also, what version of Delphi are you using?


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