Migration KSVC 6.5 –> 7.0 inserts Color = 15987699 property

Home Forums Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) Migration KSVC 6.5 –> 7.0 inserts Color = 15987699 property

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    • #4059

        We’re migrating from Delphi 10.4 + KSVC 6.5 to Delphi 12.2p2 + KSVC 7.0.

        We’ve noticed in the migration almost all TRzPanels and some other components including TRzTabSheet have a new Color property added in two scenarios

        1. Where it didn’t exist before; and

        2. Where there was an existing value (ie was clActiveCaption or clYellow pre-migration)

        All of them seem to be coming in as Color = 15987699.

        I haven’t checked every panel but several hundred of them changed and I’m curious if this is documented somewhere and/or remedied in any way other than manually checking each.


      • #4060
        Ray Konopka


          I’ve not seen any other reports like this. The Color property has been a property of TRzPanel and descendants from the beginning. I’m assuming that you mean that the Color property is showing up in the DFM files for your forms. Although, I’m not entirely sure about that because I don’t really understand your second scenario.

          Is there any way for your to recreate the issue in a smaller project that you could send to support@raize.com? I would like to take a look. I’ve been working on a lot of changes to the component set, including the TRzPanel and descendants.


        • #4061
          Philip von Melle

            Hi there!

            I see this as well but I was on KSVC 7.0 for some time. But when recently upgrading from Rad Studio 11 to 12.2 on opening/closing and saving all forms in Rad Studio 12.2 I see that “Color = 15790320” is inserted in the DFM file when there was no entry for Color in Delphi 11 especially in TRzPanel, TRzRadioGroup amd TRzCheckbox.  Also I see Color changing from “Color = 15987699” to the above mentioned.

            Regards, Philip

          • #4074

              Hi Ray, I corrected the obvious colour defects but because it’s mainly clbtnface that’s being replaced by F3F3F3 (a lighter grey) (15987699) I haven’t handcorrected everything. There were only a dozen or so changes that I had to make critically.

              I will try to do a proof of concept sometime in the future but for now I’ve got a manual workaround.

              Thanks for the note too Phillip


              • This reply was modified 2 months ago by h.
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