Method Enter Exit duration

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    • #4063
      David Rose

        I’m using  CodeSite.TraceMethod(Self, ‘My Code’ ,tmoTiming,tfMilliseconds); to trace how long certain methods take to execute.

        In the Codesite File Viewer I get a result along the lines of

        -> MyCode
        [TimeIcon] 601ms MyCode
        <- MyCode

        Is there any way to find methods that take longer to execute than say 1000ms ?
        I’ve tried using the Time Difference Threshold but that doesn’t work if there are regular codesite send messages between the -> & <- as the time between messages gets diluted.





      • #4065
        Ray Konopka

          Hi David,

          Unfortunately, there is no built in way to search or filter on exit methods that exceed some time threshold, but it would be nice feature. I’m logging it as an enhancement request.


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