Logging to File failing

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    • #4030
      David Rose

        I’m trying to track down a bug in some code that’s only affecting one customer so we’re logging to file to try and catch the problem. I’m using the following code which seems to work for a day or two but then just stops logging anything further to the file.  In that time it seems to have created 2 x 500MB files and then the last one if just 84MB. Plenty of disk space remaining. Any suggestion as to what could cause it please ?

        Dest := TCodeSiteDestination.create(Vcl.SvcMgr.Application);

        Dest.LogFile.Active := DebugHook = 0; // sets file logging if no debugger
        Dest.LogFile.FileName := ‘HireTrack NX Integration Server.csl’;
        Dest.LogFile.FilePath := ‘$(HireTrack)’;
        Dest.LogFile.MaxSize := 500000;
        Dest.LogFile.MaxParts := 10;

        Dest.Viewer.Active := true;

        CodeSite.Destination := Dest;



      • #4032
        Ray Konopka

          Hi David,
          Interesting that it logs to the file for a day or two and then stops. Typically, if there is an issue with file logging, it’s immediately apparent, such as file permissions, wrong path, etc. Is it possible that the CodeSite logger is getting disabled at some point in your application? That would cause messages to stop getting logged.

          If you have access to the computer, or can get someone to grab a file from the computer, I would like to see the CSDispatcherLog.txt file. It is located in the following path:

          If you are able to get this file, please send it to support@raize.com and I’ll take a look.


        • #4053
          David Rose

            Hi Ray

            Oddly this morning I took a look and the CSL file was 28GB (and growing !!)

            I’ll send you the log file now.

          • #4062
            David Rose

              Did you have any further thoughts on this please ?

            • #4067
              Ray Konopka

                Hi David,

                I sent you an email reply (to the CSDispatcherLog.txt file) on Jan 15. I’ve included the email contents below.


                Hi David,

                The CSDispatcherLog.txt file that you sent looks fine. The multiple Register calls are fine. I was really interested in seeing if there were any errors being recorded in the CSDispatcherLog.txt file.

                What is also strange is that your most recent forum post on this topic mentions that the log file is now 28 GB in size. Are there other log file “parts” on the computer? Is it the last part that is growing?

                What version of CodeSite do you have installed on this computer?


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