Home › Forums › Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) › I can’t install a previous custom comonent made with Raize components
- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2021-09-09 at 1:57 pm by
Ray Konopka.
September 7, 2021 at 4:18 pm #2610
I created this component many years ago and have been able to successfully re-compile it with a package that installed. I am trying to install it into 10.4.2 and I get the error:
Can’t load package C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Bpl\Package1.bpl.
The specific module could not be found.
It appears the the “Requires” RaiseComponentVcl.dcp is the problem?
unit IPEdit; interface uses Windows, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, RzPanel, RzEdit, RzCommon; const BS = #8; type TIPEdit = class; TIPByteEditor = class(TRzEdit) private protected published ParentPanel: TIPEdit; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; TIPEdit = class(RzPanel.TRzCustomPanel) private MyEnabled: Boolean; MyChange: TNotifyEvent; MyEnter: TNotifyEvent; procedure PanelEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure MyResize(Sender: TObject); procedure PanelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PanelDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FilterKey(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure ExitByteEdit(Sender: TObject); procedure EditClick(Sender: TObject); procedure EditChange(Sender: TObject); function GetText: String; procedure SetText(Value: String); function GetValue: integer; procedure SetValue(Value: integer); procedure Set_Enabled(Yes: Boolean); function GetOctet_1: integer; function GetOctet_2: integer; function GetOctet_3: integer; function GetOctet_4: integer; protected IPByteEditors: Array[0..3] of TIPByteEditor; Dots: Array[0..2] of TLabel; procedure SetFrameController( Value: TRzFrameController ); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Loaded; override; function Focused: boolean; override; property Octet_1 : integer read GetOctet_1; property Octet_2 : integer read GetOctet_2; property Octet_3 : integer read GetOctet_3; property Octet_4 : integer read GetOctet_4; published property Ctl3D stored True; property Font; property Text: String read GetText write SetText stored True; property Value: integer read GetValue write SetValue stored True; property Visible; property Anchors; property BorderStyle; property Color; property ShowHint; property Enabled: boolean read MyEnabled write Set_Enabled; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read MyChange write MyChange; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent read MyEnter write MyEnter; property OnExit; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property FrameController; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('RDSoft', [TIPEdit]); end; (****************************************************************************** ** ** TIPEdit ** ******************************************************************************) constructor TIpEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var n: integer; begin inherited Create(AOwner); inherited Enabled := True; inherited OnEnter := PanelEnter; OnEnter := nil; OnChange := nil; MyEnabled := True; Caption := ''; Height := 21; Width := 130; BevelInner := bvNone; BevelOuter := bvNone; BorderStyle := bsNone; BorderOuter := fsNone; OnResize := MyResize; Color := clWindow; for n := 0 to 3 do begin IPByteEditors[n] := TIPByteEditor.Create(Self); IPByteEditors[n].Parent := Self; IPByteEditors[n].Tag := n; IPByteEditors[n].MaxLength := 3; IPByteEditors[n].OnKeyPress := FilterKey; IPByteEditors[n].OnExit := ExitByteEdit; IPByteEditors[n].OnClick := EditClick; IPByteEditors[n].OnDblClick := PanelDblClick; IPByteEditors[n].ParentColor := True; IPByteEditors[n].ParentFont := True; IPByteEditors[n].ParentShowHint := True; IPByteEditors[n].OnChange := EditChange; end; for n := 0 to 2 do begin Dots[n] := TLabel.Create(Self); Dots[n].Parent := Self; Dots[n].ParentColor := True; Dots[n].ParentFont := True; Dots[n].Font.Style := [fsBold]; Dots[n].ParentShowHint := True; Dots[n].OnClick := PanelClick; Dots[n].OnDblClick := PanelDblClick; Dots[n].Caption := '.'; Dots[n].AutoSize := True; Dots[n].Alignment := taCenter; end; end; destructor TIpEdit.Destroy; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to 3 do IPByteEditors[n].Free; for n := 0 to 2 do Dots[n].Free; Inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIPEdit.Loaded; begin inherited loaded; MyResize(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.PanelEnter(Sender: TObject); begin IPByteEditors[0].SetFocus; if assigned(OnEnter) then OnEnter(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.EditClick(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(inherited OnClick) then OnClick(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.EditChange(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.PanelClick(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(Inherited OnClick) then OnClick(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.PanelDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(Inherited OnDblClick) then OnDblClick(Self); end; procedure TIPEdit.FilterKey(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var Next: integer; Txt : string; begin if Sender is TIPByteEditor then begin Next := TIPByteEditor(Sender).Tag+1; case Key of '.': begin key := #0; if Next < 4 then IPByteEditors[Next].SetFocus; end; '0'..'9': begin Txt := TIPByteEditor(Sender).Text + Key; if (Length(Txt) = 3) and (Next < 4) then begin if StrToIntDef(Txt,0) > 255 then Beep else IPByteEditors[Next].SetFocus; end; end; BS: Key := Key else key := #0; end; end; end; procedure TIPEdit.Set_Enabled(Yes: Boolean); var n: integer; begin MyEnabled := Yes; for n := 0 to 3 do IPByteEditors[n].Enabled := Yes; Color := IPByteEditors[0].Color; inherited Enabled := Yes; for n := 0 to 2 do Dots[n].Enabled := Yes; end; procedure TIPEdit.ExitByteEdit(Sender: TObject); var Num : integer; begin if Sender is TIPByteEditor then begin Num := StrToIntDef(TIPByteEditor(Sender).Text,0); if Num > 255 then begin TIPByteEditor(Sender).Text := '255'; Beep; end; end; end; function TIPEdit.GetText: String; begin Result := Concat(IPByteEditors[0].Text, '.', IPByteEditors[1].Text, '.', IPByteEditors[2].Text, '.', IPByteEditors[3].Text); end; Procedure TIPEdit.SetText(Value: String); var p: integer; n: integer; function mod256(sByte: String): string; var i, x: integer; begin Val(sByte, i, x); Result := format('%d',[i Mod 256]); end; begin Value := Trim(Value) + '.'; p := pos('.', Value); n := 0; while p > 0 do begin IPByteEditors[n].Text := mod256(Copy(Value, 1, p-1)); Inc(n); if n > 3 then exit; Value := Copy(Value, p+1, length(Value) - p); p := pos('.', Value); end; end; function TIPEdit.GetValue: integer; begin Result := (StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[0].Text,0) shl 24) or (StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[1].Text,0) shl 16) or (StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[2].Text,0) shl 8) or StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[3].Text,0); end; procedure TIPEdit.SetValue(Value: integer); var n: integer; begin for n := 3 downto 0 do begin IPByteEditors[n].Text := IntToStr(Value and $FF); Value := Value shr 8; end; end; procedure TIPEdit.MyResize(Sender: TObject); var n: integer; dw: integer; ew: integer; TotWidth: integer; ewMin: integer; hMin: integer; Bw : integer; begin Bw := BorderWidth * 2; ewMin := Dots[0].Canvas.TextWidth('000'); hMin := Dots[0].Canvas.TextHeight('0'); dw := Dots[0].Width; ew := (Width - Bw - dw - dw - dw) div 4; if ew < ewMin then ew := ewMin; TotWidth := ew + ew + ew + ew + dw + dw + dw + Bw; if Height < (hMin + Bw) then begin Height := hMin + Bw; end else if Width < TotWidth then begin Width := TotWidth; end else begin for n := 0 to 3 do begin IPByteEditors[n].Width := ew-4; IPByteEditors[n].Height := hMin; IPByteEditors[n].Left := n * (ew + dw)+2; IPByteEditors[n].Top := (ClientHeight - hMin) div 2; end; for n := 0 to 2 do begin Dots[n].Height := IPByteEditors[0].Height; Dots[n].Top := IPByteEditors[0].Top; Dots[n].Left := ew + n * (ew + dw); end; end; end; function TIPEdit.GetOctet_1: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[3].Text,0); end; function TIPEdit.GetOctet_2: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[2].Text,0); end; function TIPEdit.GetOctet_3: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[1].Text,0); end; function TIPEdit.GetOctet_4: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(IPByteEditors[0].Text,0); end; function TIPEdit.Focused: boolean; begin Focused := IPByteEditors[0].Focused or IPByteEditors[1].Focused or IPByteEditors[2].Focused or IPByteEditors[3].Focused; end; procedure TIPEdit.SetFrameController(Value: TRzFrameController); begin if Assigned( Value ) then BorderStyle := bsNone else begin BorderOuter := fsNone; BorderStyle := bsSingle; end; inherited; end; (****************************************************************************** ** ** TIPByteEditor ** ******************************************************************************) constructor TIPByteEditor.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); BorderStyle := bsNone; Text := '0'; Alignment := taRightJustify; end; end.
September 7, 2021 at 11:16 pm #2617
Hi Larry,
From the information that you provided, the Package1.bpl appears to be referencing the RaizeComponentsVcl runtime package in the requires sections of Package1.dpk source file. BTW, I would strongly recommend changing the name of your package to something more useful.
When Delphi tries to load Package1.bpl (the compiled package), the Windows loader will try to also load any dependent runtime packages. For example, vcl270.bpl and rtl270.bpl, as well as any other runtime packages that the package requires.
What I am not so clear on is what version of Delphi you used to build the package? You stated that you were able to compile your package and it installed, but you are getting an error when you try to install it into 10.4. Compiled package files (i.e. *.bpl files) are not compatible between versions of Delphi. You will need to compile your custom package using 10.4.
But as I said, I’m not too clear on just what is happening from what you posted. Another thing to check is to make sure that the KSVC Lib\RX10.4\Win32 directory is listed in your Delphi search path. Delphi will need this path in order to locate the RaizeComponentsVcl.dcp file.
September 8, 2021 at 9:13 am #2627
Thanks you for your response. The name Package1 is just a test, the real package contains several other components and named appropriately, but it was this one that seemed to cause the problem. I started with a new package, added only the unit IPEdit and built it. The compiler added the RaiseComponentsVcl.dcp and a couple other required files. The build had no errors or warnings. When I tried to “Install” the package is when I received the error dialog. This is a brand new install of 10.4.2 and would hope all of my paths are correct. I will check to see that KSVC Lib\RX10.4\Win32 is in the search path. As a test I changed the “Rz” components to standard vcl components and it built and installed without issues.
Thanks again for your time. I have been a Raize user for a very long time.
September 9, 2021 at 1:57 pm #2633
What is the precise error message that is being displayed? A screenshot may be helpful.
Also, how are you trying to install the package? Are you right-clicking on the package and selecting install? Or, are you using the Component > Install Packages dialog box?
What does the Package1.dpk look like?
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