How to drag a record containing multiple strings

Home Forums DropMaster How to drag a record containing multiple strings

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    • #3544
      Steve Black

        I am using Win10, Delphi7 and Raize 1.52

        Is it possible to drag and drop a record structure?
        for example:

           DIS_Item_def = Record
              Version: String;
              Alarm:   String;
              Action:  String;
              Times:   String;

        I can build and fill the record before the drag but how do I load it into the DMTextSource and read it from the DBTextTarget?

        • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Steve Black.
      • #3557
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Steve,

          I would look into encoding the record contents into something like JSON or XML and then put that into the DMTextSource. Then whatever receives the drop can then parse the payload and the reconstitute the record, or put it into some other construct (if dropping on an app that does not know about your record structure).


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