Embarcadero Partners with Raize Software for KSVC Maintenance

Home Forums Konopka Signature VCL Controls (formerly Raize Components) Embarcadero Partners with Raize Software for KSVC Maintenance

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    • #3939
      Ray Konopka

        On June 28, 2024, Marco Cantu posted Embarcadero Partners with Raize Software for KSVC Maintenance.

        I am very pleased to announce this partnership and I am looking forward to keeping KSVC relevant for developers using RAD Studio. Like many of you, Raize Software depends greatly on KSVC, especially in our CodeSite Tools. This partnership will allow the KSVC to get some much needed attention.


      • #3940
        Steve Gill

          Hi Ray,

          This is great news!  I use KSVC in every single project, so I’m really happy that this has happened.

          = Steve


        • #3941
          David Marcus

            Excellent news!

          • #3942
            Hichem BOUKSANI

              Best news in a while

            • #3952
              Chris Mark

                Where do we report bugs now? On the Embarcadero Quality Portal or on here?

              • #3954
                Ray Konopka

                  Hi Chris,
                  It is best to submit them on Embarcadero’s Quality Portal for tracking. When you do, be sure to put KSVC in the subject line for easier identification. Embarcadero does not have a field to specify this library.
                  Also, I don’t mind if you also post a heads up here to any reports submitted.

                • #4082
                  Ender Arslanturk

                    Previously, in the Sydney version, we could install our raize components from getit for free. It was a gift. I upgraded to Delphi Alexandra 11.1, but I can’t see the raize VCL components. Can you help?


                    • #4084
                      Steve Gill

                        Hi Ender,

                        I don’t know about Delphi Alexandra 11.1 but it’s definitely in Delphi Athena 12.2.

                        Search for KSVC in GetIt.

                        = Steve



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