CODESITE remote destinations

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    • #3406
      Ariagna Bandala

        I am implementing CODESITE in my server application, but there is also a client application that allows load balancing, that is, I can have 1 main server and N number of Secondary Servers and the load balancing application is the one that decides which is the server that is available and sends the request to it, therefore the final client applications (used by the end user) do not know where the Server that attends their requests really is, they only know the destination of the load balancer application, I attach a diagram to make it more clear.


        I am interested in applying the use of CODESITE on the servers, but under this scheme I am not clear on how to implement sending messages remotely, that is to say, I am interested that while I am in a productive environment I can on my computer It is located in another network to receive CODESITE messages, the servers only know the destination of the load balancer application, do you have any idea how to solve it?

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