Balloon Hints

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    • #1845
      Barry Wood



        Something that’s been ‘niggling’ me for a while, but other things need more attention – maybe something more obvious to those who use these more than I do – Balloon Hints.

        I see ‘HintPause’ and ‘HintShortPause’ as properties that I thought could be asking how long the hint shows (but no). Not sure of what the difference is between these 2, other than one is ‘shorter’! The ‘HintPause’ is how long before the hint pops up after the mouse goes over it.

        But the hint, no matter what values I place in either of above properties, only shows for about 3 seconds.

        I have some hints that take probably 5 or 6 seconds to read through so is there a setting for that? Or some code that can extend the length of time the hint displays for,

        As ever, I apologise if there is something so blatantly obvious I can’t see it!


      • #1848
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Barry,

          The HintPause and HintShortPause properties of TRzBalloonHints simply map to the same properties in the TApplication class. From the RAD Studio doc:

          Specifies the time interval that passes before the control’s Help Hint appears when the user places the mouse pointer on a control or menu item.

          Specifies the time period to wait before bringing up a Hint if another Hint has already been shown.

          From what you describe, it sounds like you want the TApplication.HintHidePause property, which specifies the time interval to wait before hiding the Help Hint if the mouse has not moved from the control or menu item.


        • #1852
          Barry Wood


            OK, thanks for the info.

            I’ve added ‘TApplication.HintHidePause:= 5000’ into the Project file and it works fine, showing the actual hint for 5 seconds which is just right.



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