10.4 Sydney Support (& Ray’s book)

Home Forums CodeSite 10.4 Sydney Support (& Ray’s book)

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    • #1864
      Navid Madani

        I saw CodeSite Express 5.3.4 on GetIt Server. Is CodeSite 5.3.4 also somewhere out there for registered customers?

        On a separate note, Ray’s Developing Custom Delphi 3 Components is still one of the (if not the) best and most useful Delphi books out there. I realize there are copyright issues with publishers, etc. but is there a chance Ray would come up with an updated edition?

        Thanks Ray!

        • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Navid Madani.
      • #1866
        Ray Konopka

          Hi Navid,

          CodeSite Studio 5.3.4 will be available shortly–updating the website now.

          As for the book, I really appreciate the feedback. The biggest challenge for me to produce a new edition is finding the time in my schedule to put it together. I hope someday I’ll be able to do that.


        • #1906
          Michael Tuttle

            Greetings Ray,

            I would love to see an updated version of your book too.  I have the “Developing Custom Delphi Components” version of this book and have lost the CR-ROM over time.  Is there anyway to get a replacement CD-ROM?

            Thanks Ray for all your efforts.


          • #1959
            Ray Konopka

              Hi Michael,

              Sorry I missed your follow-up post. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of anyway to get a replacement CD-ROM. I do not have any and the publisher is no longer in business. I suppose you could try eBay.


            • #1961
              David Marcus

                I have the CD. Is it OK if I post a zip of it on my website? Or, send the zip to Michael?

              • #2071
                Ray Konopka

                  Hi David,

                  Thanks for the offer. If you would like to send a zip file of the CD to Michael, that would be fine. I would appreciate it if you would hold off on posting on your website. I may have a copy of it archived in box packed away. I’ll try to find it and make it available on DelphiByDesign.com.


                • #2074
                  David Marcus


                    If you contact me, I will send you a zip of the CD. My email address is on



                  • #2504
                    Ramon Corazao

                      Greetings Ray,

                      Hopefully you can find the space to update your extraordinary book “Developing Custom Delphi 3 Components”, I sincerely hope so.
                      My native language is Spanish, and it is difficult for me to read your book if it is not with a translator. It would help me a lot to have the content of the CD-ROOM to practice.
                      Could you authorize David Madani to share the content of this CD with me, I would appreciate it very much.
                      My best wishes for you.


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