Raize Software is pleased to announce the availability of the CSSearchFiles command line tool for CodeSite. CSSearchFiles can be used to quickly search through multiple CodeSite Log Files to locate Notes, Warnings, Errors, and Exceptions. The tool can also be used to locate messages that contain a specified text string. Each match is displayed along with the message number, which can be used to quickly jump to the message in the CodeSite Live Viewer or CodeSite File Viewer. The usage information for CSSearchFiles is displayed below. Running CSSearchFiles without any command line parameters will also display the usage information.

Download CSSearchFiles.zip

To install, simply extract the CSSearchFile.exe from the CSSearchFile.zip file. Next, move the CSSearchFiles.exe to your Raize\CS5\Bin directory.

Usage Information

CodeSite Search Files 5.3.3
Copyright (c) 1998-2018 by Raize Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

  CSSearchFiles [-type:<MsgTypes>] [-text:<Text>] [-trim:<Columns>] <Files>

  MsgTypes:  Search for specified message types (e.g. EX)
             N=Notes | W=Warnings | E=Errors | X=Exceptions
  Text:      If search text includes spaces, wrap in double quotes
  Columns:   Trim output to column width (e.g. 80)
  Files:     Path to CodeSite file(s) to search (e.g. C:\Logs*.csl)


CSSearchFiles -type:EX *.csl
   Search for all Error and Exception messages in all CodeSite log files
   in the current directory

CSSearchFiles -text:"Print Report" *.csl
   Search for all messages that contain "Print Report" in message text